Fight for $15: The New War on Poverty

“Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.”– Nelson Mandela

The USA has a new War on Poverty, but this one is not led by a US president, but by the low wage workers of this country. The Workers Organizing Committee of Chicago (WOCC) is a part of this national movement, demanding $15 an hour and a union for retail and fast food workers. This Fight for $15 campaign is a key part of the larger low wage workers movement.

Fight for $15 in Chicago

Way back In 1964,  President Lyndon Johnson declared in his State of the Union address,”This administration today, here and now, declares an unconditional War on Poverty in America.”

As part of his War on Poverty, Johnson proposed an ambitious set of social programs rivaling those of Franklin Roosevelt during the Depression of the 1930‘s. Johnson’s War on Poverty ended in surrender beginning in 1968 because of the costly Vietnam War and the election of Richard Nixon.

Although it did not end poverty, the first War on Poverty was not the total failure that many critics label it. Largely a response to the Civil Rights Movement, it gave us such critical social programs as Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start and the Food Stamp Act. Today the USA has some of the worst poverty of any wealthy nation, but it would be far more devastating without these programs.

Just ask today’s fast food and retail workers, many of whom depend on Medicaid and food stamps because of their poverty wages. Now low wage workers’ groups like WOCC are taking up the unfinished business of ending poverty in this country by raising wages and organizing unions.

The low wage workers’ movement is very diverse and includes adjunct college professors, car wash workers, port truck drivers, janitors, farmworkers  and more. I recently learned that one third of bank tellers live in poverty. Maybe they’ll be the next to join.

December 5, 2013: A day to fight poverty in Chicago

“I get paid on Thursday and I’m out of money by Thursday”– a Chicago Sears worker and WOCC member

I hopped off the Damen Ave bus into the 6 am frigid darkness of West Side Chicago. It was the national McStrike Day when fast food and retail workers in approximately 100 towns and cities were expected to walk off their jobs. The bright lights of the corner McDonald’s were augmented by those of TV camera crews. I could hear chants from the handful of Fight for $15 demonstrators already on the sidewalk:

“Beat back the Mac attack!”
“Hold on, wait a minute, let me put some $15 in it!”
“Hold the burgers, hold the fries, I want my wages super-sized!”

A few minutes later 3 school buses pulled up, literally packed with WOCC members and supporters. More people continued to arrive and I counted over 200 people on the sidewalk and on McDonald’s property, holding signs and chanting.

Fight forn $15 in Chicago

A 10 ft hand-made puppet of The Grinch was the center of much attention and many cell phone cameras. Trucks, buses and a cars on busy Chicago Avenue honked their horns in support, gaining cheers from the picketers.

There were a few workers inside the McDonalds despite the call for a strike. Because of the artificially high unemployment in Chicago, some workers  are afraid to protest because they fear being replaced in retaliation.

Fight for $15 in Chicago

Local TV stations had set up microphones on the sidewalk as other media people walked about conducting interviews.  Jessica Davis, who is a single mom with two children said:

”It’s embarrassing to go home to your family with how little [money] you have to bring to the table…I am six credits away from a Bachelors degree in sociology but I can’t finish because I can’t pay for it.”

Davis must rely on food banks and Medicaid to survive. Akilarose Thompson told the UK Guardian:

“It is so depressing. You put a smile on because you’re in customer service and you have to. But on the inside it really breaks you down when you’re always at work but you’re always broke.”

Another MacDonald’s worker facing a wage cut told the crowd,” Stand up and fight because we can’t take it no more!”

As the sun rose over the buildings to the east, WOCC organizer Caleb Jennings led the Grinch and the WOCC picketers in a march around the McDonald’s before stopping at the drive-up window, effectively closing that service for about 20 minutes.

Shortly afterward WOCC members boarded the buses for the next destination, Snarf’s, a sandwich shop a few blocks east. Snarf’s had already been shut down by the workers when we arrived.

Fight for $15 in Chicago

I spoke to Snarf’s worker Kate Ziegler.  Ziegler, who is also an actor and an artist, explained that Snarf’s has no clear policy on raises. Everyone starts out on minimum wage, but according to Ziegler, many people have never received any raises.

After 2 1/2 years, she still only makes $9.50 an hour. She went on to say:

”Chicago is an expensive city to live in and I think it’s unfair how low the minimum wage is. Also, who decided to quantify retail and food industry workers to be paid so low when all of us work so hard?”

After saying good-bye to Snarf’s with the chant,” We’ll be back…we’ll be back!”, we headed for North Michigan Ave and a march through the the Loop, Chicago’s traditional downtown area. We loudly repeated chants like “We can’t survive on $8.25! Fifteen dollars will keep us alive!”, as we visited McDonald’s, Walgreens, Macy’s and Nordstrom, with longer stops at Sears and Wendy’s.

Fight for $15 in Chicago

At Sears, workers eagerly took the bullhorn to lead chants and tell their stories as we crowded around the State Street entrance, with the police keeping us from totally blocking it.

With the beat of WOCC drums and the sounds of chants as background, I spoke to Elmer Rayhead Jr., a worker at Walgreens. When asked why he became involved with WOCC he said:

”I’ve got to make a stand for my family so meeting up with WOCC, I finally have a voice and I can actually use it with a group of people who are on the same wave length as I am—people who are trying make something better for our families. It’s a voice that is going to be heard, instead of just me fighting up against the wall for a better living and a better wage.”

Alfred Dellahousaye, a worker at Forever 21 on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile told me that he was one of the original members of WOCC when it consisted of only 22 people.

“I joined just for respect in our workplace and unity and a living wage.  I believe everything is going up except wages. Gas is going up. Rent is going up. It’s really hard to manage your bills making a low wage of $8.25.”

WOCC membership is now over 2000 according to one WOCC activist I talked with.

At Wendy’s WOCC members had slipped inside before the main group arrived and according to a WOCC member, had attempted to pay for their orders with a massive amount of pennies. I watched as they were escorted out by police with no arrests. Although the police tried to keep the entrance open,  the sidewalk was so blocked I saw very few customers going in.

Fight for $15 in Chicago

I had to leave when the Wendy’s protest ended, but after a lunch break, WOCC headed for Chicago’s South Side and the south suburbs for more actions.

Poverty is as serious as a heart attack.

We are the backbone of the company. We watch the money come in everyday only to go home with just a fraction of it” —- a Chicago McDonald’s worker

Poverty is no joke in Chicago. This is a city where 87% of the public school students qualify for free or reduced lunch and over a third live under the federal poverty line. Poverty is the biggest enemy of Chicago school student performance as outlined in a report by the Chicago Teachers  Union and Stand Up Chicago.

Poverty results in foreclosures and homelessness. It is associated with malnutrition. It destabilizes families and entire communities.  It is associated with domestic violence and street crime. Poverty also creates high stress levels which are exacerbated by the stresses of Chicago’s traditional racism and segregation.

Stress contributes to the health problems created by poverty by directly attacking the immune system. Rates of stroke, diabetes, coronary heart disease and cancer are  much higher in Chicago’s poorest neighborhoods.

Poverty also contributes to more homicides as shown by the chart below, comparing murders in some of the poorest and some of the least poor Chicago neighborhoods.

Poverty kills.

Chicago homicide stats

Poverty as a policy

“I want to say that we won’t stop until we get a livable wage. We’re out there in the cold. We’ve been out in the rain. The strikes will never end until we get what we are looking for.”—- WOCC member  Alfred Dellahousaye

WOCC members are all too familiar with the little ways powerful corporations enforce poverty in addition to their refusal to pay a living wage. Poverty is profitable.

Kate Ziegler described how Snarrf’s set up a complicated rating system for determining raises where workers had to score at least the 90th percentile. It turned out that scoring that high,”…might possibly result a raise, so people still not get a raise.”

Snarff workers got 500 people to sign a petition supporting their strike for better pay from people in the large office building where the shop is located. According to Ziegler, “We sent them to corporate [headquarters] and we didn’t hear anything.”

Sears worker Roy Jackson is a commission employee in the Sears electronics department. He makes $6 an hour plus 1% commission on what he sells, which comes out to $7 on a $700 TV. He asked,” And just many $700 TV’s do you think I sell in a week? Or even 2 weeks?”

Elmer Rayhead Jr. is a worker at Walgreens. He started at Walgreens in 1996 but has only seen small raises of 8 cents or 15 cents, so not much has changed for him. According to Rayhead,”Walgreens came to the conclusion this year that they are not going to be doing raises.”

Companies will often refuse to give workers regular hours and will change their shifts arbitrarily making it difficult for them to go to school and improve their job skills. They can fire workers who become ill rather than extending them sick leave.

Chicago Fight for $15

Companies will also retaliate against those who speak out to frighten others into silence. According to Tyree Johnson, a MacDonald’s worker with 21 years experience, his hours were cut to 12 a week:

“I gave the managers the respect, but as they see me on TV, and they see my protesting and talking to the media about McDonald’s, they hold that against me.”

Then there are the big ways corporations enforce poverty: All in the name of neo-liberalism, the latest incarnation of capitalism with its egregious excess for the wealthy and ruinous austerity for the working class. For example, the CEO of McDonald’s saw his income tripled to $24 million this year.

A portion of the mega-profits collected by corporations that pay poverty wages are invested in think tanks  who put out misleading propaganda against raising minimum wage, against unions, against Medicaid, against food stamps, against Social Security, against Medicare and against any efforts to overcome racial and gender discrimination.

Fast food and retail workers are stereotyped as deserving nothing but poverty because of their supposed lack of ambition, their supposed lack of education, their supposed personal irresponsibility and the unspoken inference that since so many of them are female and/or workers of color, their supposed social inferiority.

Fight for $15 in Chicago

High powered corporate law firms are hired to file lawsuits against efforts to limit poverty. Legislators are bought off through campaign contributions to pass laws that keep poverty firmly in place. Attempts to expand public employment to reduce joblessness  are stymied. Social programs like unemployment compensation and food stamps are slashed.

Money that should be going to pay a living wage to retail and fast food workers is instead being converted into weapons against them.

Our high rate of poverty is a policy of mega-corporations and their allies in government. As a life-long socialist, I personally believe that poverty is an integral part of the capitalist system, yet some capitalist countries have a much lower poverty rate than we do. So yes, our high rate of poverty is a policy. And it is a policy that kills. It is societal mass murder. Yet, those most responsible walk free and are rewarded handsomely for their efforts.

So what happens when we win?

“I believe that we will win! I believe that we will win!”–A popular chant at WOCC picket lines and rallies.

I’ve been a supporter of WOCC almost since its very beginning. While no one believes that winning this New War on Poverty will be easy or that the struggle will be won quickly, people are optimistic. And $15 an hour would be a good start toward making further gains through the union that WOCC members are organizing.

Fight for $15 in Chicago

When I interviewed workers I asked them how their lives and the lives of other low wage workers would change when they do win that $15 and a union.

Alfred Dellahousaye:

“Man that would definitely change the world. We would  each have enough money to buy presents. Pay bills on time. Fill up the refrigerator. It would be great for everybody considering that minimum wage hasn’t been raised in I don’t know how long.”

Kate Ziegler:

“I know that when people have more money to spend it’s better for the economy because they spend it more. I know that if I had more money it would make my life better and if it were more widespread, there would be better for the thousands of people who are worse off than me…I feel it would make the city feel happy overall because a lot of people are collectively disgusted about the low wages.”

Elmer Rayhead Jr:

“Oh wow! For one thing we wouldn’t have to juggle. We have to decide whether it’s going to be rent or health insurance. Or car insurance. Or do we cancel the car insurance and the health insurance to pay rent. So we don’t have to juggle all that or we won’t have to tell our kids who will be disappointed that I can’t do Christmas or birthdays this year because I don’t have enough.”

As for me I see people with more time and resources for their children, their schools and their communities. People with more to spend in their neighborhood, helping small businesses stay alive and creating jobs. Fewer evictions. Fewer foreclosures. Less need for public assistance. Better physical and mental health. A reduction in personal violence. People furthering their education, becoming involved in hobbies and recreation, which besides being personally fulfilling, can also be job and income creators.

I‘ll end with words from Julie McKelphin, words that so emotionally moved me as we stood shivering at the corner of State and Madison next to the downtown Sears:

“I believe in the humanity of man. I believe that people just need to be enlightened. I think at times people get so misguided by greed that they forget we are all connected. When one person suffers everybody suffers… We’re all here together on this planet. We all breathe the same air. When people start realizing that, maybe there will be more compassion.”

Bob “BobboSphere” Simpson is a retired Chicago schoolteacher and an enthusiastic WOCC supporter

Sources consulted

Chicago Fast Food, Retail Workers Walk Off The Job, Take Part In 100-City Strike by Ellen Fortino

Fight for the Future; How low wages are failing Children in Chicago’s schools by Stand Up Chicago! and the Chicago Teachers Union

A case for $15: A low wage work crisis By Action Now and Stand Up Chicago!

US fast-food workers strike over low wages in nationwide protests  by Adam Gabbatt

Deadly Poverty by Steve Bogira

Concentrated poverty and homicide in Chicago by Steve Bogira

Mayor 1%: Rahm Emanuel and the rise of Chicago’s 99% by Kari Lydersen

Personal interviews with several WOCC members conducted by Bob Simpson

December 10, 2013 by
Filed under: Uncategorized 


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