The Chicago City Colleges: Why close child development programs when the need is so great?

January 11, 2016 by · Comments Off on The Chicago City Colleges: Why close child development programs when the need is so great?
Filed under: Education, Society and Economy 
Expanding access to high quality early childhood education is among the smartest investments that we can make. Research has shown that the early years in a child’s life—when the human brain is forming—represent a critically important window of opportunity to develop a child’s full potential and shape key academic, social, and cognitive skills that determine a child’s success in school and in life.”—-statement from the White House in Washington DC

In a nation with one of the highest child poverty rates in the developed world, the importance of high quality early childhood education cannot be overstated. Yet US early childhood education is underfunded, too expensive for many families and inaccessible in some areas. The program quality is uneven at best and with the average teacher salary under $15 an an hour, there is a  high staff turnover at a time when young children need stability in their lives.

Chicago city-wide early childhood education meeting
City-wide 2015 meeting in Chicago to discuss the early childhood education crisis

US early childhood education policy needs a serious overhaul.

Given these realities, you might think that the Chicago City Colleges would be expanding and improving their training programs for early childhood educators  and deepening connections to the communities they serve.

You would be wrong.

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