Why is Corporate America
 fanning the flames of violence in Chicago?

May 7, 2013 by · Comments Off on Why is Corporate America
 fanning the flames of violence in Chicago?
Filed under: Education, Race and gender, Society and Economy 

“At times like this when CPS is making an attempt to close the most schools at one time in the nation, I don’t think you need another Columbine or Connecticut or another suicide because of bullying.” ― Sherise McDaniel, Chicago Public School parent

Corporate America has declared war on public education by closing schools, privatizing schools, gaining control over curriculum, imposing a barrage of hi-stakes testing, limiting citizen involvement and attacking teachers unions. The worst attacks are against working class education.

Corporate America sees no reason to educate working class students beyond the most basic level. They are seen as nothing more than future low paid drones in a brutal dog-eat-dog-cat-eat-mouse economy. The war against public education is a class war being waged by the wealthy against a growing working class resistance.

It is a New Civil War.

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